919 Albany St., Los Angeles, CA 90015

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Loyola's Anti-Racism Center hosts author Jessica Pishko as she dives into her newly released book, The Highest Law in the Land— and signs copies just for you. An event you won't want to miss!


A leading authority on sheriffs investigates the impunity with which they police their communities, alongside the troubling role they play in American life, law enforcement, and, increasingly, national politics. Learn more about Pishko's book The Highest Law in the Land.

- Shortlisted for Columbia Journalism School’s J. Anthony Lukas Award

- A Publishers Lunch NonFiction Buzz Book| Named Most Anticipated by Los Angeles Times


Attendees will be able to purchase The Highest Law in the Land at a special rate! 


About the Author

Jessica Pishko is an independent journalist and lawyer who has been writing about the criminal legal system for a decade with a focus on the political power of law enforcement officials.

Since 2018, she has been focused on American sheriffs and their role—past and present—in perpetuating mass incarceration and white supremacy as well as how sheriffs present a growing threat to democracy in this country.

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