1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045

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Understanding and being sensitive to the military culture is imerative in providing appropriate care. As a clinician, it is up to you to help your client navigate the confusing treatment landscape which may be different for the veteran than what is available for their families. For our veteran communtiy, the path to gain treatment is wrought with extensive unfamiliarity, confusion, transportation challenges and geographic barriers, broken network connection, and misunderstanding over appropriate treatment modalities. Join us as we resolve these issues!

- How veterans seek service and points of access
- How counselors help and don't help
- How to work with military culture and counseling methods
- How to engage more veterans and family members in the counseling room
- How to help family members and women veterans
- Use community and failth based services effectively

To Attend
Registration is open to the public (click here).  BBS CEUs are avaialble at an additional fee.

Please contact Ms. Fay Craton in LMU Extension at 3310-338-2812 or email acc@lmu.edu.

Jim Zenner is the associate director for community programs for the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at USC. A U.S. Army veteran, Zenner spent seven years in the military, including three years with the Army Reserves, and completed a 15-month deployment to Iraq in 2006 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Val Reyes, (Lt.Col.), was the first U.S. Army social worker in Afghanistan and cofounder of USC Military Social Work program. He is the clinical director of Del Amo Hospital Military Trauma program.

Terri Morgan is project director at the UCLA Nathanson Family Resilience Center. She is currently involved in establishing the new wellness program at West Los Angeles VA.

Nathan Graesar is an active duty Battalion Chaplain in the Army National Guard, and Community Relations Liason for the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative.

Mark Mitchell is an instructor at LMU Exetnsion, and a licensed marriage and family therapist. He currently co-chairs the Behavioral Health team for the Los Angeles Collaborative.

Please note that the list above may shift in the event of military scheduling needs for active or reserve members of the panel.

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