1211 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401

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Tie is an original one-act play for two actors, written and directed in 2023 by a young Bosnian high-school actress Uma Kurt, and first performed in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The play is based on true stories collected from high school and college students, and as a goal has to destigmatize and raise awareness about certain frequent issues that occur within adolescents related to; mental health, bullying, domestic abuse, sexual assault and sexual orientation.

There are two performances: one at 5 p.m. and second at 8 p.m. There will be an open Q&A session with Marina Stanic, Ph.D., actors, and producer following 5 p.m. production.

Production of this English version of the play is made possible by the joined effort of Il Dolce Theatre Company, LMU College of Fine Arts and Communications, Theatre Arts Department, CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice, and Santa Monicas Playhouse.

To Attend
This is event is open to the general public. Admission is free! For more information, please contact Professor Nenad Pervan at  nenad.pervan@lmu.edu.

Parking. There is 90-minute free parking at the garage structure across from the theatre on the 4th Street.

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